
transform the space

As the name suggests, one installs a sculpture into a space. The purposes can vary, as in causing the space to be felt or read in a similar, yet more intense way, or differently through contrast as the sculpture and space are combined. An installation can be temporary, made of ephemeral materials that rot, decay or dissolve waking the viewer to the passage of time. Or an installed sculpture might transcend physical limits of the space in height, in perforation of walls or floor, or by challenging our notions of gravity through suspension of objects. Transformation of perception is of utmost importance.

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We perceive a space differently - before, during and after - sculptures made of odd or curious materials occupy an empty space.

Since human presence can be declared and perceived by filling a space, an artist may utilize this method of installation to call the viewers’ attention. An artist’s vision may change a space or a situation in extremely unique ways, giving the space a vast transformation.

Sometimes deeper concepts are attached to the change. Sometimes it is simply a call to notice the physical space around us in a new way.

Pae White, Installation excerpt from NGV Melbourne, Australia, 2017

Sculpture Installation, Irantzu Lekue, Pais Vasco, Espana, 2015