110 pixels tall, white rectangle.jpg


Think about creativity and the many forms it can take. When an artist transforms a creative idea into substance, he or she might take on multiple roles during the process of making art…

Glass globe leaf spin.png


What skills might an artist need to carry out the crafting of an idea?

Glass globe facet coral wave distort.png

problem solver?

How might someone find new solutions to new issues?


How might an artist decide what to create? And how to create it?

Glass globe facet grass and facet blurred w erica green lines.png


How might an artist help those who will perceive their work?

Glass globe blue weird fx.png


Does an artist know all the answers before starting a work? Does someone have all of the skills and knowledge, or do they learn during the process of creating?


social activist?

When might an artist step beyond self-expression into social realms and the causes that exist in the world around them?

Glass globe facet blurred green gold.png


How might someone inspire another?

Glass globe facet spherized yellowish peach.png


What kinds of skills might an artist develop? How are they used when making art?



In what ways might an artist be a scout?

How might an artist be on the edge?

Glass globe facet cracked.png
Glass globe facet grass and facet blurred w erica green lines salmon.png
Glass globe facet spherized aqua halftone.png


How might an artist craft or construct art that lasts or that is of ‘high quality’?



What tales might an artist tell? Their own? Those of others? How and why?

erica seagreen scratch.png


In what ways might an artist’s work be a witness to an event? How might the art be a document that states a point of view?


How might an artist connect parts of their world in new ways? How might invention be a new hybrid between 2 or more existing things?

erica seagreen scratch.png


Maybe an artist would take old materials and use them in new ways.

How would this change the feeling of the material? How might this change the message they are conveying?


How might an artist make us think?

How might we see something - an object, a concept, a person - in a new way?