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the World

what is the world: framing from outside

The world may be defined geographically – the physical earth, the soil, rock, air, water, plants, and animals.

The world may be defined as a set of politically suggested areas – cities, countries and sovereign nation states.

The world may be defined socially as the people who inhabit it – individuals, families, groups and gatherings.

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Geography refers to the land, water, air and the physical terrain of the regions of earth.

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Polity is the root word for ‘political,’ regarding people, nations, countries & borders.

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Sociology refers to humanity and invented social categories of ethnicity, race, culture and more.

Maya, Pendant, Jade, 600–700AD, Central America. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Maya, Pendant, Jade, 600–700AD, Central America. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Geography helps us ask ‘How big? How far?’ on maps or in our minds. 

The earth is 24,000 miles in circumference; at 40 miles per hour it would take 600 hours to drive non-stop, if it were possible.

Polity helps us think about ‘How many countries?’

There are over 195 countries in the world.


Sociology helps us wonder ‘How many people?’

Humans number over 7.7 billion people speaking over 6500 languages.

All together, we realize how vast and diverse is human existence.

If the world population was represented by 100 people, these numbers would represent percentages:

60 Asia, 16 Africa, 10 Europe, 9 Latin America, 5 North America

WORLD POPULATION = 7.81 billion (2020)

Source: https://www.census.gov/popclock/
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