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A drawing is the result of using an implement on a surface which leaves a mark and a record of action or movement.

Historically people used drawing as a second language. A way to tell stories and share thoughts.

In the history of western art drawing was used as a preliminary step before making a painting or something more permanent.

Study for the Ugolino Group,19th century Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux French

Drawing as a beginning…

Artists would use a drawing as a sketch to gather their ideas and to layout a composition. Drawing is often taught as a way of connecting the hand and the eye. As our eyes saccad we skip a lot of visual information. Learning to draw is learning to see and pay attention to the details of our world.

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Vine charcoal is

Pressed charcoal

Pastel, black or gray

Chalk is made of

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Charcoal works well on textured paper which absorbs the powdered dust and the pressure of the handmade strokes. In art the texture of the paper is referred to as tooth. The more tooth the paper has the more texture the surface of the paper has.

Combining vine and pressed charcoal with pastels in shades of gray can produce varied textures, tones and transparency.

Highlights can be created using white chalk, which may be lighter than the color of the paper on which the drawing is done.


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Graphite pencils are a medium that everyone student has used. Most of us remember taking scantron tests with a 2B pencil.

Graphite comes in a range from B’s to H’s. So their are 8B, 6B, 4B, 2B, HB, 2H, 4H, 6H, and 8H pencils. The H refers to the hardness of the graphite while the B refers to the softness. The way manufactures make graphite “hard” is to add clay. So the higher the H number the more clay is mixed in with the graphite. If you start with a 8H pencil you will never be able to achieve a dark black value. You will simply polish the graphite to a nice shinny medium value silver. If you use a 8B pencil with a high graphite content the pencil will release a beautiful black tone from the beginning. So if you understand the drawing you wish to create you can use the various pencils to create a rich image witho[ut having to struggle with the material.

The Spring,1863 William Trost Richards American


Graphite allows subtle differences in pressure causing intricate character within lines and shading.

Lines may vary in thickness, thinness, or they might change in how curved, straight or crooked they might be.

Shading can done in a controlled and balanced way or be the graphite pencil can be used as an expressive mark making tool.





Metalpoint Alphons Legros Study of a Figure 1888 1000p.jpg


Silverpoint is…


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Pigments derived from minerals…





India ink is made from soot mixed with __

Pens have a metal nib attached to a wood or bamboo holder. When dipped into liquid ink, a slit in the metal pulls the ink into a reservoir.

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Color pencil


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Conte Crayon


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Colored pencil drawing, Guiglielmo Ulrich [S]IGNORA BERNASCONI-MILANO/ [T]OILETTE IN PERGAMENA/ MARZO 1932/ DIS. N. 65.001